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How to Engage Remote Employees

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In the age of remote work, managing and engaging a dispersed team can be challenging. Here are eight tips to help your team thrive, enhance collaboration, and boost morale, ensuring that both colocated and remote team members feel connected and productive, inspired by the principles from “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”

1. Openly Discuss the Benefits and Challenges of Remote Work

Habit 4: Think Win-Win® Key Insight: Initiate group discussions about remote work to build understanding and accommodation among team members.

  • Action: Organize quarterly video lunches to explore solutions to common challenges like time-zone mix-ups and discuss the benefits of having team members in different locations.

2. Be an Active Facilitator During Virtual Meetings

Habit 1: Be Proactive® Key Insight: Active facilitation can prevent technical glitches and ensure everyone participates in virtual meetings.

  • Action: Test technology before meetings, explain in-room activities to remote participants, and set ground rules for engagement. Encourage the use of video to enhance connection.

3. Set Remote-Friendly Expectations Around Communication Tools

Habit 4: Think Win-Win® Key Insight: Clear communication standards improve visibility and reduce frustration among remote workers.

  • Action: Share calendars, adopt standard online status labels, and consistently update your own status. Help team members adopt new tools and practices.

4. Share News Through Digital Channels

Habit 4: Think Win-Win® Key Insight: Keeping remote team members informed fosters inclusion and engagement.

  • Action: Use online collaboration tools to summarize and post relevant news. Encourage others to share updates and important information digitally.

5. Have Team Members Pair Up for Work or Virtual Chats

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw® Key Insight: Strong working relationships enhance engagement and productivity.

  • Action: Pair team members for mentoring or virtual coffee chats. Rotate partnerships quarterly to build broader connections within the team.

6. Encourage Feedback Among Team Members

Habit 1: Be Proactive® Key Insight: A robust feedback culture leverages diverse perspectives and improves communication skills.

  • Action: Create opportunities for remote team members to give and receive feedback. Model this behavior and reinforce it by acknowledging proactive involvement.

7. Devise Celebrations That Include Remote Team Members

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw® Key Insight: Inclusive celebrations boost morale and appreciation among remote workers.

  • Action: When celebrating accomplishments, include remote team members via video or follow-up posts. Get creative with ways to recognize their achievements.

8. Set a Calendar Reminder to Assess Your Team’s Remote Culture

Habit 1: Be Proactive® Key Insight: Regularly evaluating remote work practices ensures continuous improvement and unity.

  • Action: Add a recurring reminder to assess your team’s remote culture quarterly. Pay attention to changes and address any emerging issues promptly.

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