FranklinCovey Microlearning for Leaders

The Challenge For Today’s Workforce
To drive your organization forward, every single employee needs to stay focused on their most important work. Being good at their core job is no longer enough in today’s fast-changing workplace. Your people also need the personal and professional skills to build effective relationships, solve problems, innovate, and communicate. When your employees develop these next-level skills, they become a key difference maker to drive your organization forward.
Perhaps most important of all, they need to fit the development of these skills into the slivers of their already jam-packed days.
Bite-Size Performance Support for Leaders
Like a virtual mentor, Jhana helps build leadership skills over time—delivering practical tips and advice through an engaging email newsletter and access to a robust library of nearly 2,000 videos, articles, and tools.
The Jhana library has different interfaces and newsletters by role—manager or individual contributor. This ensures that learners receive the most tailored, relevant content for their interests and day-to-day work.
Notable features:
• A weekly email newsletter option for managers and individual contributors.
• Access to two libraries (manager-focused and individual contributor) on a single website.
• Mobile-optimized user experience for easy access on any device.
• Quarterly engagement reports so you can see what’s trending with your employees.
• Fresh content added weekly.

Keys to Effective Leadership
Communicate With Emotional Intelligence
FranklinCovey’s Microlearning friendly, informal style makes even challenging subjects—like trust building, conflict management, and difficult conversations—feel doable. Step-by-step guides and sample scripts help learners feel confident communicating in a wide range of situations.
Become Collaborative Problem Solvers
Practical tools help employees elevate their skills in building high-trust relationships, strategic thinking, setting goals, delivering value, and more. Resources are shareable between anyone with a seat in the FranklinCovey All Access Pass®, so employees can connect with each other through learning.
Manage Time for Business Impact
Because Microlearning is a quick-use resource, individuals can work on the skills they want, during the slivers of their jam-packed days—then get right back to work achieving goals to help your organization.
Free Guide
100+ Questions For Better 1-On-1s With Your Direct Reports
Use this guide to help everyone in your organization get more out of their 1-on-1 meetings.
How to Experience FranklinCovey Content
This course is included in the FranklinCovey All Access Pass®. This pass provides your organization unlimited access to all of our content, whenever and wherever you need it.

Dynamic education and development, available online from any location.
Expert education and development delivered face-to-face.
On Demand
Content available to your people anywhere, any time.