Mergers and Acquisitions

83 percent of all mergers and acquisitions fail. Why? Because of the inability to systematically and effectively integrate new and different cultures. Frequently, the deal itself makes great sense. However, organizations stumble because of people and cultural differences. The Board Room knows this, but most don’t know how to do anything about it. We do. Stephen M.R. Covey says, “While high trust cannot necessarily save a bad strategy, low trust will almost always derail an otherwise good strategy.” There is plenty of research about the failure path for mergers and acquisitions. The missing piece is the integration of a trust methodology. How do you deliver on an effective and efficient change effort without trust? And at what cost?
Leaders can’t just talk about it. They must have a simple, scalable pattern and methodology that deliberately creates trust throughout an enterprise – It must be seen as an INTEGRATED, STRATEGIC COMPONENT of the Merger and Acquisition Process. That’s what we do. Without this, we can easily predict soaring, unintended costs and the work itself slowing to a crawl.
Partner with FranklinCovey Middle East
Establish a new ‘operating system’ of trust whereby all who are involved in the merger or acquisition learn and understand a new behavioral standard: new, high trust behavioral operating norms that they can hold each other accountable to. Creating a new set of values is not enough – how leaders and teams behavioralize and practically live those values in the context of everyday work, is a vital connection to the success of a merger or acquisition. Our methodology weaves the language and behaviors of trust into the fabric of the merger or acquisition process, accelerating and leveraging the merger process.
Our methodology in this area is groundbreaking. It fundamentally changes the trajectory of the change up front and has also proven to reverse years of dysfunction from a past merger even years earlier.